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Scan Tests


PUMA_PBF.RF.T08 DN0 to DN1:: UDP traffic:: Measurement :: Apply


  1. DN0 is the initiator and DN1 is the responder
  2. Verify that ignition met the pass criteria if not we need to debug the link
  3. Start the bidirectional UDP traffic on the link
  4. Verify that link with traffic met the pass criteria if not we need to debug the link
  5. Issue the PBF command from DN0 to DN1 → What is the "Issue PBF Command?"
    • tg minion fine relative ??
    • manual and automated schedule from E2E?
  6. Apply PBF recommendation for new Tx and Rx beam selection
  7. Capture PBF results and produce the heat-map for packet index {0} and {1} based on SNR and RSSI
  8. Capture link quality metrics before and after applying PBF recommendations
  9. Repeat steps 5 to 8 in reverse direction from DN1 to DN0
  10. Evaluate the data against pass criteria
  11. Repeat the test 5 times to ensure repeatability

Pass/Fail Criteria:

  • Heat-map with the main cluster around the center and proper sinc pattern
  • Highly correlated results for packet index {0} and packet index {1}
    • ~identical heat-maps
    • ~identical number of received measurement packets
  • No impact on link quality metrics (PER, SNR, ...) except 60% throughput loss during PBF procedure.
  • Better or equal link quality metrics after applying the new beams.

PUMA_PBF.RF.T11 DN0 to DN1:: UDP traffic:: Measurement :: Apply:: Hybrid


  • Same instructions as PBF.RF.T08 on SW HYBRID link

PUMA_PBF.RF.T13 DN0 to DN1:: +30-degree azimuth rotation


  • Start with broadside link
  • Modify the setup by physically rotating one of the sectors in azimuth plane (+30 degree)
  • Verify that physical rotation has been correctly captured by repeating PUMA_PBF.RF.T08 test

PUMA_PBF.RF.T14 DN0 to DN1:: -30-degree azimuth rotation


  • Start with broadside link
  • Modify the setup by physically rotating one of the sectors in azimuth plane (-30 degree)
  • Verify that physical rotation has been correctly captured by repeating PUMA_PBF.RF.T08 test

PUMA_PBF.RF.T15 DN0 to CN0:: All


  • Repeat all PBF.RF tests by configuring one side of the link as a CN sector.

PUMA_PBF.RF.T16 P2MP topology


  • Borrow P2MP setup from LLS test plan (LLS-1.1)
  • Identify the broadside link or modify the setup to create one broadside link
  • Ignite the topology (Please refer to LLS test plan section LLS-1.1)
  • Repeat RF.T08, RF.T09 tests on broadside link
    • PUMA_Follow the suggested traffic profile in each test for the entire topology
    • Follow the topology spec to identify each sector as DN or CN and ignore the test specification
  • Link quality metrics of the entire topology should remain intact after executing each test
    • Zero link down due to executing the test
    • No impact on critical link metrics like SNR, PER, Throughput, etc.

PUMA_PBF.RF.T17 Butterfly topology


  • Borrow butterfly setup from LLS test plan (LLS-3.1)
  • Identify the broadside link or modify the setup to create one broadside link
  • Ignite the topology (Please refer to LLS test plan section LLS-3.1)
  • Repeat RF.T01, RF.T02, RF.T03, RF.T07, RF.T08, RF.T09 tests on broadside link
    • Follow the suggested traffic profile in each test for the entire topology
    • Follow the topology spec to identify each sector as DN or CN and ignore the test specification
  • Link quality metrics of the entire topology should remain intact after executing each test
    • Zero link down due to executing the test
    • No impact on critical link metrics like SNR, PER, Throughput, etc.

PUMA_PBF.RF.T18 Y-street topology


  • Borrow Y-street setup from Y-street test plan.
  • Identify the broadside link or modify the setup to create one broadside link
  • Ignite the topology (Please refer to Y-street test plan section Y.C.D.D-1.x)
  • Repeat RF.T01, RF.T02, RF.T03, RF.T07, RF.T08, RF.T09 tests on broadside link
    • Follow the suggested traffic profile in each test for the entire topology
    • Follow the topology spec to identify each sector as DN or CN and ignore the test specification
  • Link quality metrics of the entire topology should remain intact after executing each test
    • Zero link down due to executing the test
    • No impact on critical link metrics like SNR, PER, Throughput, etc.

PUMA_IM.RF.Txx All:: PBF:: Broadcast MAC address


  • Repeat all tests in IM mode with broadcast MAC address but limit to test case PBF.RF.T01 through PBF.RF.T06 as we are not applying the results in IM mode and it is measurement only. Tests PBF.RFT16-18 should also be run in the context of IM, since they excite P2MP topologies for this feature.


PUMA_RF_RTCAL.RF.T08 DN0 to DN1:: UDP traffic:: Measurement ::Apply:: Top Panel


  1. DN0 is the initiator and DN1 is the responder
  2. Verify that ignition met the pass criteria if not we need to debug the link
  3. Start the bidirectional UDP traffic on the link
  4. Verify that link with traffic met the pass criteria if not we need to debug the link
  5. Issue the RTCAL command from DN0 (CAL Tx) to DN1
  6. Capture RTCAL results for packet index {0} and {1}
  7. Repeat steps 5 & 6 in reverse direction from DN1 to DN0
  8. Issue the RTCAL command from DN0 to DN1(CAL RX)
  9. Capture RTCAL results for packet index {0} and {1}
  10. Repeat steps 8 & 9 in reverse direction from DN1 to DN0
  11. Apply newly calibrated arrays
  12. Capture link quality metrics before and after applying RTCAL updates
  13. Evaluate the data against pass criteria
  14. Repeat the test 5 times to ensure repeatability

Pass/Fail Criteria:

  • Negligible packet loss for packet index {0}
  • Negligible packet loss for packet index {1}
  • Uniform SNR and RSSI distribution with +/- 5db of the nominal link SNR and RSSI
  • Verify correct indices on each side of the link based on the RTCAL specification
  • No impact on link quality metrics (PER, SNR, ...) except 60% throughput loss during RTCAL procedure.
  • Better or equal link quality metrics after calibrating the beams

PUMA_RF_RTCAL.RF.T11 DN0 to DN1:: UDP traffic:: Measurement ::Apply:: Hybrid:: Top Panel


  • Same instructions as RTCAL.RF.T08 on SW HYBRID link



  • Borrow P2MP setup from LLS test plan (LLS-1.1)
  • Identify the broadside link or modify the setup to create one broadside link
  • Ignite the topology (Please refer to LLS test plan section LLS-1.1)
  • Repeat RF.T01, RF.T02, RF.T03, RF.T07, RF.T08, RF.T09 tests on broadside link
    • Follow the suggested traffic profile in each test for the entire topology
    • Follow the topology spec to identify each sector as DN or CN and ignore the test specification
  • Link quality metrics of the entire topology should remain intact after executing each test
    • Zero link down due to executing the test
    • No impact on critical link metrics like SNR, PER, Throughput, etc.

Interference Nulling (CBF)


  • RX CBF with 300 m victim link and 30 m aggressor link (functional test for victim TX delay)
    • Verify VRX packet 0 SINR (with interference) <= VRX packet 1 SINR (no interference) for all beams (if victim packets arrive first SINR may be higher for packets with interference than those without interference)

CBF-1.6 Stats


  • Verify scan stats can be enabled/disabled from controller
  • Verify when scan stats enabled scan counters updated correctly (numOfScan, numOfImScan, etc.)
    • Currently no stats for RTCAL and CBF beam in use

CBF-2.2 Y-street


  • RX CBF and TX CBF with Y-street links


  • Verify link up still functional
  • After link up completes, verify scan procedures (system still in good state)

CBF-3.4 With continuous pings throughout scan verify no timeouts before, during, and after scan

Details TBD

CBF-4.1 Performance validation


  • Execute RX CBF and TX CBF for nominal V topology with main lobes close to boresight and interference <20 degrees
    • Verify >5 dB suppression achieved for direct sidelobe interference

CBF-4.2 Small-scale performance quantification


  • Quantify RX CBF and TX CBF interference suppression across interference angle (main lobe close to boresight)
  • Quantify RX CBF and TX CBF interference suppression across main lobe angle (fixed interference angle relative main lobe)
  • Quantify RX CBF performance with 2 or more aggressor links
  • Quantify TX CBF performance with 2 or more victim link