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Link Overloading Tests

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Description: P2MP Link Overloading test (DN to 4-CN/8-CN).

Setup: P2MP Setup


  1. Bring up the P2MP setup using E2E.
  2. Start iPerf UDP on all links (DN → 4CNs/8CNs) for 600 seconds, with packet size of 1500 and data rate of 100Mbps.
  3. In parallel to step 2 (after 5 minutes delay), start iPerf UDP on DN → CN0 link for 300 seconds, with packet size of 1500 and data rate of 1G (DN to 4CNs setup) and data rate of 500 Mbps (for DN to 8CN setup).


  1. All nodes/links in the topology must come up after step 1.
  2. Links must stay up all the time.
  3. 125Mbps on all links but CN0 and 200Mbps on CN0 link

Description: P2MP Link Overloading test (DN to 4-CN/8-CN).

Setup: P2MP Setup


  1. Bring up the P2MP setup using E2E.
  2. Start iPerf UDP on all links for 600 seconds, for MCS 9, with packet size of 1500 and data rate of 100Mbps.
  3. In parallel to step 2 (after 5 minutes delay), start iPerf UDP on all links for 300 seconds, with packet size of 1500 and data rate of 300Mbps.


  1. All nodes/links in the topology must come up after step 1.
  2. Links must stay up all the time.

Description: P2MP Link Overloading test in Burst Mode (DN to 4-CN/8-CN).

Setup: P2MP Setup


  1. Bring up the P2MP setup using E2E.
  2. Start iPerf UDP on all links for 1200 seconds, with packet size of 1500 and data rate of 100Mbps.
  3. In parallel to step 2:
    1. (after 2 minutes delay) run unidirectional iPerf UDP from links (DN → CN1), for 300 seconds, with rate 1Gbps. Note that the start time for different CNs are different.
    2. With delay of 3 minutes to previous iPerf, run unidirectional iPerf UDP from links (DN → CN2), for 300 seconds, with rate 1Gbps.
    3. Repeat step 3b for remaining CNs sequentially.


  1. All nodes/links in the topology must come up after step 1.
  2. Links must stay up all the time.
  3. Since it is a bidirectional test, in each direction the link should be getting more than 100Mbps throughput.