Link Overloading Tests
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1DN:4CN/8CN Link Overload Tests
Description: P2MP Link Overloading test (DN to 4-CN/8-CN).
Setup: P2MP Setup
- Bring up the P2MP setup using E2E.
- Start iPerf UDP on all links (DN → 4CNs/8CNs) for 600 seconds, with packet size of 1500 and data rate of 100Mbps.
- In parallel to step 2 (after 5 minutes delay), start iPerf UDP on DN → CN0 link for 300 seconds, with packet size of 1500 and data rate of 1G (DN to 4CNs setup) and data rate of 500 Mbps (for DN to 8CN setup).
- All nodes/links in the topology must come up after step 1.
- Links must stay up all the time.
- 125Mbps on all links but CN0 and 200Mbps on CN0 link
1DN:4CN/8CN Link Overload Tests - Multi sector
Description: P2MP Link Overloading test (DN to 4-CN/8-CN).
Setup: P2MP Setup
- Bring up the P2MP setup using E2E.
- Start iPerf UDP on all links for 600 seconds, for MCS 9, with packet size of 1500 and data rate of 100Mbps.
- In parallel to step 2 (after 5 minutes delay), start iPerf UDP on all links for 300 seconds, with packet size of 1500 and data rate of 300Mbps.
- All nodes/links in the topology must come up after step 1.
- Links must stay up all the time.
1DN:4CN/8CN Link Overload Tests - Burst Mode
Description: P2MP Link Overloading test in Burst Mode (DN to 4-CN/8-CN).
Setup: P2MP Setup
- Bring up the P2MP setup using E2E.
- Start iPerf UDP on all links for 1200 seconds, with packet size of 1500 and data rate of 100Mbps.
- In parallel to step 2:
- (after 2 minutes delay) run unidirectional iPerf UDP from links (DN → CN1), for 300 seconds, with rate 1Gbps. Note that the start time for different CNs are different.
- With delay of 3 minutes to previous iPerf, run unidirectional iPerf UDP from links (DN → CN2), for 300 seconds, with rate 1Gbps.
- Repeat step 3b for remaining CNs sequentially.
- All nodes/links in the topology must come up after step 1.
- Links must stay up all the time.
- Since it is a bidirectional test, in each direction the link should be getting more than 100Mbps throughput.