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Cost Minimization with Redundancy

Due to some shortcomings in the formulation for redundancy using coverage maximization, we developed a new approach relatively recently. This approach enforces particular constraints in the optimization to ensure a desired level of redundancy while minimizing the network cost. The result is a network that is redundant to various link and/or site failures and is no more expensive than it needs to be.

The minimum cost with redundancy optimization is part of the site selection phase. During this phase, all the sectors on a chosen site are assumed to be selected as well. Likewise, the links are assumed to be selected provided that the polarity constraints are satisfied. Considerations such as P2MP and link interference are ignored.

Note: the exact implementation of the objective function and/or constraints in the code might slightly differ from what is written here, but they should be equivalent.

Objective Function

The objective is to minimize the cost of constructing the network just as in Cost Minimization.

miniS(ci+kKic~i,k)si\min \sum_{i \in \mathcal{S}}\left (c_i + \sum_{k \in \mathcal{K_i}}{\tilde{c}_{i,k}} \right) s_i

Decision Variables

Before introducing the redundancy constraints, some of the decision variables in the problem differ slightly from those provided previously. The site and polarity decision variables are unchanged. However, the flow decisions are quite different.

The idea of the redundancy constraints is to ensure a certain number of site- or link-disjoint paths between the POPs and the proposed DNs in the base minimum cost network. It's easiest to understand this through some concrete examples.

Consider a single DN in a base minimum cost network with multiple POPs. This will serve as the sink node and will be referred to as such. Let's say each POP in the network provides 2 units of flow and the sink node requires 2 units of incoming flow. Assume each link in the network supports at most 1 unit of flow. If you optimize the network under these constraints (as well as standard constraints such as flow balance), the resulting network will have two link-disjoint paths from the POPs to the DN (the two paths may or may not share the same POP). To verify this, if the two paths did share a link, that link would restrict the flow to just 1 unit and thus the sink node would only receive 1 unit of flow. This would fail to satisfy the constraint.

Because there are two link-disjoint paths from the POPs to the sink node, the resulting network is resilient to any single link failure. If instead of applying this to not just a single DN sink node, we expand it to all of the DNs in the base minimum cost network simultaneously but independently, the resulting network will have two link-disjoint paths from the POPs to each DN.

The constraints themselves can be modified to enforce even more redundancy in the network. If each POP in the network provides 1 unit of flow, the sink nodes require 2 units of flow, but the sum of the incoming flow to any non-sink node DN is restricted to just 1 unit of flow, the result is a network that is resilient to any single site (POP or DN) failure. If each POP in the network provides 2 units of flow, the sink nodes require 4 units of flow, but the sum of the incoming flow to any non-sink node DN is restricted to just 1 unit of flow, the result is a network that is resilient to a simultaneous POP and DN failure or 3 simultaneous DN failures. So, by just modifying these parameters, various levels of redundancy can be achieved. In fact, the three levels described here and in the previous paragraphs are what we currently call low, medium and high levels of redundancy.

Thus, there are three parameters that control the redundancy constraints: POP capacity, CPOP\mathcal{C}_{POP}, DN capacity, CDN\mathcal{C}_{DN} and sink capacity, CSINK\mathcal{C}_{SINK}.

Because these problems are being solved simultaneously but independently, we need flow decisions for each DN in the base minimum cost network. The new decision variables are

fi,j,δ[0,1]f_{i,j,\delta} \in [0, 1] : flow through link (i,j)LB(i, j) \in \mathcal{L}_{B} for a given δΔ\delta \in \Delta

where LB\mathcal{L}_{B} is the set of backhaul links (in the entire candidate network) and Δ\Delta is the set of DNs in the base minimum cost network. Actually, the upper-bound of the flow for the links from the supersource is CPOP\mathcal{C}_{POP}, but it is 11 for all other links.

The actual link capacity is not incorporated in this model. Extra sites and links are added without consideration for the potential throughput when traffic has to be re-routed due to site or link failures. Generally, it is best to simply omit low-capacity/low-MCS links, particularly in backhaul, from the candidate graph.

Redundancy Constraints

Flow Site

The incoming flow to a site is 0 if it is not selected. The maximum total incoming flow Ci\mathcal{C}_i to a site is CPOP\mathcal{C}_{POP} for POPs, CDN\mathcal{C}_{DN} for DNs, and CSINK\mathcal{C}_{SINK} for DN sinks.

jSB:(j,i)LBfj,i,δCisi          iSB,δΔ\sum_{j\in\mathcal{S}_{B}:(j,i) \in \mathcal{L}_{B}} f_{j,i,\delta} \leq \mathcal{C}_i s_i\; \; \; \; \; \forall i \in \mathcal{S}_{B},\forall \delta \in \Delta

where SB\mathcal{S}_{B} is the set of backhaul sites (in the entire candidate network).

Flow Balance

Incoming flow equals to outgoing flow (equivalently, the net flow is 0) for all POPs and non-sink node DNs

jSB:(j,i)LBfj,i,δjSB:(i,j)LBfi,j,δ=0          iSBδ,δΔ\sum_{j\in\mathcal{S}_{B}:(j,i) \in \mathcal{L}_{B}} f_{j,i,\delta} - \sum_{j\in\mathcal{S}_{B}:(i,j) \in \mathcal{L}_{B}} f_{i,j,\delta} = 0\; \; \; \; \; \forall i \in \mathcal{S}_{B} \setminus \delta,\forall \delta \in \Delta

For sink node DNs, the net flow is equal to CSINK\mathcal{C}_{SINK}.

jSB:(j,δ)LBfj,δ,δjSB:(δ,j)LBfδ,j,δ=CSINK          δΔ\sum_{j\in\mathcal{S}_{B}:(j,\delta) \in \mathcal{L}_{B}} f_{j,\delta,\delta} - \sum_{j\in\mathcal{S}_{B}:(\delta,j) \in \mathcal{L}_{B}} f_{\delta,j,\delta} = \mathcal{C}_{SINK}\; \; \; \; \; \forall \delta \in \Delta


The polarity of connected sites must be opposite. Because there are no link decisions during this phase, we have to use other variables as a proxy to force this requirement. In this case, the flow, which is bounded by 1, between sites can only be positive if the polarities are opposite.

fi,j,δpi+pj          (i,j)LB:i,jSB,δΔf_{i,j,\delta} \leq p_i + p_j\; \; \; \; \; \forall (i,j) \in \mathcal{L}_{B}:i,j \in \mathcal{S}_{B},\forall \delta \in \Delta
fi,j,δ2pipj          (i,j)LB:i,jSB,δΔf_{i,j,\delta} \leq 2 - p_i - p_j\; \; \; \; \; \forall (i,j) \in \mathcal{L}_{B}:i,j \in \mathcal{S}_{B},\forall \delta \in \Delta

Two Phase Solution

Depending on the candidate network, it might not be possible to satisfy the flow balance constraints perfectly. Hence, we actually solve this problem in two phases. In the first phase, we try to relax the flow balance constraints as little as possible and then, using that result, modify the constraints and minimize the network cost.

Flow Balance with Shortage

Define a decision variable φδ[0,CSINK]\varphi_\delta \in [0, \mathcal{C}_{SINK}] to be the unsatisfied flow for sink node DN δΔ\delta \in \Delta. Then, the net flow is equal to CSINKφδ\mathcal{C}_{SINK} - \varphi_\delta.

jSB:(j,δ)LBfj,δ,δjSB:(δ,j)LBfδ,j,δ=CSINKφδ          δΔ\sum_{j\in\mathcal{S}_{B}:(j,\delta) \in \mathcal{L}_{B}} f_{j,\delta,\delta} - \sum_{j\in\mathcal{S}_{B}:(\delta,j) \in \mathcal{L}_{B}} f_{\delta,j,\delta} = \mathcal{C}_{SINK} - \varphi_\delta\; \; \; \; \; \forall \delta \in \Delta

Relaxed Redundancy Objective Function

During the first phase, the amount of shortage is minimized.

minδΔφδ\min\sum_{\delta \in \Delta} \varphi_\delta

Once the shortage is minimized, the optimal shortage decisions become fixed values in the flow balance with shortage constraint for the second phase. In the second phase, the network cost is minimized.

Heuristic Acceleration

Because we are solving a network flow problem for each of the DNs in the base minimum cost network simultaneously, the resultant ILP is quite large. Even for modest size problems, the ILP is large enough that a solution is rarely found within a reasonable time even when running multi-threaded. What is clear is that the scaling for this redundancy formulation is a serious issue.

To address this, we added a heuristic that would greatly reduce the size of the underlying candidate graph. The ILP size is most seriously impacted by the number of links in the candidate graph. If we could reasonably prune links that are highly unlikely to be part of the final solution, then the ILP size will be greatly reduced.

The approach is to use a bunch of maximum flow calculations between various sources and sinks to identify the most useful links. More specifically, by splitting each site into a site with the incoming links and a site with the outgoing links and a single link of unit capacity between them, maximum flow provides site-disjoint paths between the source and the sink. The number of such paths is the capacity of the source. And most importantly, maximum flow problems can be solved in polynomial time.

In the heuristic, we added two rounds of maximum flow calculations. The first is between each POP and each DN in the base minimum cost network. The second is between each of the DNs in the base minimum cost network. Any link that appears in the maximum flow output is added to the set of candidate links for the ILP. Any link that does not is pruned away. In the planner, we request 4 site-disjoint paths between each POP and each DN and we request 2 site-disjoint paths between each of the DNs. From our experimentation, this appears to be sufficient even if the user requests a high level of redundancy. In our test cases, no additional shortage was added and the number of additional DNs was nearly the same, i.e., optimality was not compromised either.

The heuristic was a major improvement. After applying it, all the ILPs could be solved by a single thread within an hour and usually within a few minutes or better. The ILP sizes themselves were reduced by an order of magnitude in each of the number of variables and number of constraints. For example, one problem was reduced from 660k x 320k to 65k x 30k. Another was reduced from 6.2M x 2.9M to 830k x 380k.

Delaunay Acceleration

Even with this acceleration, moderately large problems could still be too expensive. While the modest size problems would compute the heuristic in a few minutes or less, the larger ones could take 30 minutes or more. The bottleneck was all the maximum flow calculations between each of the DNs. Not only does this scale quadratically in the number of proposed DNs in the base minimum cost network, for large networks each maximum flow calculation itself becomes much more expensive.

One more additional heuristic is applied. A Delaunay triangulation is done among the DNs using their geographic locations. Then, the maximum flow calculations are performed only between DNs that are within one or two hops in the triangulation. The general idea is that if nearby DNs have multiple disjoint paths, far away DNs will as well. Two hops are included to help account for polarity constraints which are not accounted for in the maximum flow calculations.

This additional acceleration significantly improved the heuristic computation time. The case that previously took 30 minutes now took just 8 (and the ILP size drops too). Once again, in our test cases, no additional shortage was added, and optimality was not compromised.